Refund and Returns Policy

Returns & exchanges

If items you have purchased do not meet your expectations, including items that are defective, damaged or not as described, you can request a refund or exchange within 30 days from the date of delivery by emailing our customer service: [email protected]

(a) return

To be eligible for a return, please confirm the following:

– The items to be returned remain unused, undamaged, unwashed and in the original packaging with the original label.

-You pay for the return. Items that do not meet the above criteria cannot be returned.

Customers have 30 days from the date of receipt to change their mind and return the items without giving a reason. must issue a refund. You can request a return by contacting us at [email protected] . After receiving the return, you will receive a refund to the customer’s account. The shipping costs will be billed to the customer at most once (including returns). Consumers will not be charged for restocking for returning the product.

(Please contact [email protected] for the closest return address in your area.)

(b) Refunds

We’ll email you once we’ve processed your refund or exchange.

Refunds will be made within 3 working days of receiving your return. After verification, please check your account.

There may be a slight delay in your return request as we usually process it twice a week. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. We will answer you as soon as possible.

(c) cancellation

You can cancel your order before your item is shipped. Please contact us at [email protected] if you want to cancel your order.

Shipping damage claims

We are proud of our products, but we cannot control the shipment. In some extreme cases, the item you receive may be damaged in transit. So please check the item when you receive it in good condition. If the accident really happens, please provide us with the photo or video and contact us at:  [email protected]


– We do not accept returns for digital products.

– We do not accept claims for damages for shipping later than 30 days after receiving the products.

– Customized products (such as lettering) do not accept returns and exchanges unless there is a product quality problem.

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